The difference between a project and a product often boils down to looks. Along with a professionally designed and manufactured circuit board, a proper enclosure completes the package.
Thought we have long offered a un-machined cartridge case with 64NIC+ Ethernet cartridges, we had resisted the thought of milling cartridge cases. In the case of the 64NIC+, the Ethernet jack machining is tough and prone to error. A proper CNC milling machine is required to efficiently handle such a design. However, the EasyFlash 3 did not require so complex a solution to correctly machine a suitable cartridge enclosure. Some simple jigs on the drill press and creative use of drill bits ably substituted for a CNC mill. As a result, EasyFlash 3 arrives in an optional fully machined enclosure.
The red color choice was somewhat arbitrary, as we have clear enclosures. Still, translucent red and the red LED on the unit seemed to fit well together. I hope you agree.
The EasyFlash 3 is now available in our online store.