Aries was backordered on the required 24 and 28 pin headers needed to finish testing, and the order just came in this past week. Thus, I finally had a chance to solder and test the units. Testing went well, and I can program the units with my Willem programmer. Originally designed to hold a 29EE512 64kB EEPROM, I found a good price on Atmel AT49F001 128kB 5V Flash, so I made the necessary adjustments and tested with the new memory. Testing went well, so I am releasing the design to production.
I have noticed one issue that I need to address. Some CBM units have an RFI shield that doubles as a heat shield. To perform the latter function, metal “fingers are stamped out of the shield that press on the top of the ICs. I need to ensure the metal shield/heat sink does not contact any of the pins on this unit.