OpenCBM Archiver is a command line tool that helps automate the use of opencbm-based utilities
OpenCBM Archiver uses .net 2.0 and will also run under Mono on non-Windows systems.
Changes from Version 1.1
- Archival program is now configurable via command line or config file. This means you can now automate nibread.
- Made a configuration flag for whether or not to show a directory listing
- Made the command line passed to the program configurable
- Documented the settings in the configuration file.
Changes from Version 1.0
- Add ability to load flags from configuration file
- Writes seed data to configuration file
- Specifying flags on command line overrides configuration file
- Displays directory before archiving disk
- Changed behavior such that calling with –help displays the help message, you can now run program without parameters.
You can download OpenCBM Archiver from the official open source project site: