With the next batch of uIEC/SD units, I found both financial and feature-enhancement reasons to redesign the connector daughterboard.
Compared to the earlier daughtercard option, there are some key advantages to the new unit:
- Dual IEC connectors. No longer much the uIEC/SD be the last unit in the IEC bus chain.
- Onboard RESET button
- Via jumper, Machine reset can optional reset uIEC/SD.
- Better function button access
- Solder pads for all major functions (buttons, PWR, GND)
- No more pigtail power connector
- Mini-USB power supply support
The only downside to the new design is the IEC port placement. On the C64/C64C, the IEC ports will interfere with the user port, while they will interfere with IEC and Video ports on the C128/C128D. The C128DCR seems to be least affected. Thus, I am still debating design elements. Comments/Thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Why the change now?
- Significant savings can be realized by utilizing a new IEC jack footprint.
- I am running low on C2NPower PCBs (used for the pigtail) and resupply is not cost effective at present.
- Wiring pigtails takes time, which in turn slows down order fulfillment.
- Some people object to the power pigtail approach.