RETRO Innovations will be traveling to Brookfield, WI this weekend for the 2013 Midwest Gaming Classic. We’re simply attending, not manning a store table, but feel free to email us if you’d like to place an order for pickup and skip the shipping costs.
Since we don’t have enough things to keep us busy, we’ve been on an arcade machine buying spree over the last few months, picking up:

- a KLAX upright conversion, in great condition
- a Pole Position, in good condition, working, but missing a few sound effects
- a non working asteroids, in rough condition
- a Shoot the Bull game in a Ms. Pac Man cabinet
- Some Championship Bowling ROMSTAR game, in a Super Pac Man cabinet (purchased for the cab, monitor and wiring).
- a Gyruss, complete and working
- a Defender, with monitor issues
- a StarFire unit, in a Defender case, with PCB issues (but, partially working)
Since our goal is to see if there are product opportunities in game restoration for RETRO Innovations, buying machines that need help seemed appropriate. KLAX was a fluke, as it’s in great condition, but the others all need some TLC for optimum operation. To start that process, a trip to MGC is required. We know the Ms. Pac Man needs to be converted back, and that requires some parts (we have a known working PCB for the game already). Asteroids might be beyond help, and so might be parted out, while the Pole Position just needs some TLC on the PCB and general cleaning.
It’s an interesting exercise, and they should be fun to play… err test!
Let me know if you see a 1984 Data East Kung-Fu Master Upright arcade or 1986 Bally/Midway Black Belt Pinball 😉 Been looking for either for a decent price.
What do you consider a decent price 🙂
I guess it depends on the condition. I paid $500,local, for my near mint (other than a slight bit of monitor burn in) 1984 Data East Karate Champ Upright. So somewhere in the ball park, again depending on condition. I would like to find a monitor with no burn in for that…but that’s going to be nearly impossible unless I just put in an LCD (but that’s no fun to keep it vintage). As far as Pinball…no more than a thousand or so….depending on condition.
I’ll keep my eye out.
I might shoot you an email with the monitor model #…just in case there is a hidden jem there. 😉 Sounds like a fun time! I used to go to the one in Mesquite, TX (http://www.americanamusementauctions.com/) many times and they had thousands of machines and parts for dirt cheap….but before I had space to put any….would like to go back again sometime.
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There was not a lot of arcade action at the show. Lots o’ Nintendo and Pinball.
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